An Encomium on March
It is March now,
A time of the year, marching towards the season of flowers,
A time that evokes the reawakening of nature,
An extol to the stepping in of fragrant blossoms here and there
And the unfurling of tender green leaves, as their companions.
It is March now!
March, you are here now!
You are named after Martius, the god of wars,
You herald happiness everywhere,
You predict the return of hope and youth in nature,
You steer the wild and windy spring with your early blooms
March, you are here now!
March, we welcome you jubilantly
From brown to bright green, are the shades of nature transforms,
From South to north, the migratory birds return with fervor,
Among them are the robin, myna and the sulphur bellied warbler.
The air is festive with Carnations, roses, snowdrops, lilies and primroses,
March, we welcome you jubilantly
March, this is an encomium on you,
A laudatory verse for you,
An ode of praise for you,
A panegyric for you

Ms: Usha Krishnan
Educationist, Life Coach & NLP coach
New Delhi